Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Duck March Duck Walk

Today was a whirlwind exciting day of learning about loan repayment options and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System! I can't complain though. I also had a wondrous splash of time with an old friend over lunch and the March of the Peabody Ducks.

Now, that's my kind of duck walk!

I have to admit, while I've been on this trip, I haven't worried too much about what I'm eating. When I get back to Boston though...

Seriously, when I get back to Boston, it's time to pay attention to what I'm eating. Time to stop with the sugar, stop with the extra carbs, stop with the sitting still and not exercising, stop with the excuses. Time to start the cardio, start the sit-ups, start the weight-lifting, and start the duck walks!


yogurt, berries and granola
 crab pot!!!!

Queen crab legs with potatoes and corn
 salad with cheeses, pork, a little bit-o-beef, cauliflower au gratin, and pasta florentine
bread pudding and some white cake

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