Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: New Year, New Hope

And that's just it, right? A whole brand new year...full of promise and waiting to be filled with wondrous adventures and experiences. With a whole year in front of me to fill, there is hope. Hope for continuing what works, hope for eliminating what doesn't, and hope for new opportunities!

I read somewhere today that a wish for the new year was a wish that you'll make mistakes...if you make mistakes, then you're trying something new and learning. Hope for new mistakes. It's all part of a new year.

During November, I maintained a focus on gratitude and found that I felt uplifted and generally lighter. In 2014, I'd like to attempt a greater focus on gratitude throughout the year. For example, today, I am grateful for the opportunity to begin the New Year seeing a movie with friends and trying new food. The company of friends lets me know that I am not alone in the world and am fortunate enough to have people in my life who love me. I hope that your new year started off as mine did, in the company of loved ones.


Mango chicken served in a mango shell

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