Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's Official!!

I had my final weigh-in for the weight loss portion of my I officially move into the maintenance phase...or Phase 2. So, having moved into Phase 2, I've got some awesome numbers to report!!!

Total Pounds Lost: 30
Total Inches Lost from Breasts: 4.5
Total Inches Lost from Waist: 7.5
Total Inches Lost from Hips: 4.75

How cool is that!? 

So what's next? Well, today, was more of the same. Tomorrow will be too. Why? Because it works. And I don't have time to cook. Friday will be my first chance to cook. I figure I'll have some chicken and some broccoli...maybe some spaghetti squash. With chicken, the possibilities are endless!


 steak strips and mixed veggies
cheese ravioli and broccoli

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston in Crisis

It's been a tough couple of days in Boston. The explosions at the Boston Marathon yesterday have caused a somber mood to descend upon the city. It's odd, the day went from celebratory to terror-struck in a matter of moments. I'm very grateful that I was not in the city yesterday, but that in itself is strange too. I don't even know how to describe the feeling that's left when you're not there to be with your friends during and after a crisis.

I'm very grateful that those in charge are taking all necessary steps to investigate and protect Boston. The FBI, ATF, Boston Police, the Army, and the Sercret Service are all here...probably some other organizations that I've left out too. I'm very grateful that casualties were minimal and that Boston is a tough, resilient town. I'm very grateful that I was able to ask for a hug when I needed it yesterday. I'm very grateful that I didn't have to be tough...and that's not easy for me to do, so I'm even more grateful that the people around me were able and willing to take care of me when I needed it. Thank you.

I will say that I made an executive decision and determined that it was OK to eat pizza in the middle of a terrorist attack. From now on, that will be my Pizza Clause. I'm kinda back on track today, but not really. Tomorrow, I'll eat the way I'm supposed to. Actually, tomorrow is the new designated day for starting to add lean protein back into my diet. I have class tomorrow night, so maybe I'll get some eggs for breakfast or just wait until Friday when I don't have class?


fruit cup from Starbucks
 savory chicken with snap peas and cauliflower
 mushroom risotto and hodgepodge veggies with a delicious cinnamon-y chai tea!


 My 5K day...I crossed the Boston Marathon finish line for my race.

pasta fagioli and cauliflower (the cauliflower was still frozen, so I didn't eat it until dinner)

I also ate "out of the box" on this day...a Dole fruit cup, a King's Hawaiian roll, a PowerBar gu banana blueberry thing and a small pack of Bear Naked granola - it's what they gave us at the race.

 tukey chili with broccoli and caulflower


The day started out good...I knew that I would have trouble getting all my shakes in, so I had cereal in the morning before getting on the commuter rail
 Greek salad at Panera, large fruit cup from Au Bon Pain and an apple that I fed to Maxine, the puppy
 pasta fagioli, spaghetti squash, and 2 cups of California blend veggies

At this point, I had found out about the explosions and was hungry since it was dinner time.
And here's where I went off the now, I've had a crying break down and am hungry all over again. The timing of being hungry didn't make sense, but when you consider the rush of adrenaline, fear, and shock at the explosions, I guess it makes sense.

Pizza and wings


When I knew I would not be able to get back to Boston last night, I went to a grocery store to buy some food that I would be allowed to eat.
 I did make it home when the commuter rail was reopened this morning around 9:30. My first train option was right around 11am...a very nice woman brought a homemade lasagna to my friend's house last night. I elected to eat some when I got home...along with a pint of Ben & Jerry's

Needless to say, I ingested far too many calories today. BUT, on the plus side, I did go to the gym and ran for an hour.
 savory chicken and mixed vegetables with spicy peanut sauce

Friday, April 12, 2013

What's next?

Holy Guacamole!! As of tonight, my last post had 91 views...I think I may be famous. Cool. Thank you all for reading and sharing in my success. I mean, I've been doing this for myself, and you have helped me by coming along for the journey. The best part? That it's not over! There's still more to do. I've reached my goal, I feel energized mentally and emotionally. And now, it's time for a longer term commitment to healthy eating and to dive back in to fitness. But first, a few more weeks of school and then graduation and vacation.

What's next?

Graduation will mark the accomplishment of one goal and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. This is one change that is not marked with doubt or fear, just anticipation and excitement. What does this mean? What do I want to accomplish next? I'm not certain yet...but I know there are some things that are on my list.

Mountain climbing
Jewelry making
Exploring the city
Beach days...

The list could go on...and on and on and on...

I won't bore you with everything I'd like to do this summer. What I will tell you, is that now that I'm down to my pre-grad school weight, I'd like to get my muscle tone back. That's definitely next. And that will take some time. I wish it were as easily quantifiable as losing weight. It probably is...I haven't done body measurements in a bit. I suppose the muscle would show up there? I'd still lose inches as the layer of fat comes off, but I'd probably gain a pound or two as I build muscle. Is muscle actually that heavy? I mean, it's heavier than fat, but is it a full pound or two? Is my scale actually sensitive enough to detect it? I don't know. And for today, it's OK not to know. For today, it's enough to have reached one goal.


mmm, it's like summer in tupperware!
 5 bean casserole with hot sauce, broccoli, cauliflower and honey dew melon

turkey chili with corn


Would you believe that this beautiful salad came from the grocery store salad bar?
 steak strips with broccoli and cauliflower
And since I had to have 2 entrees...savory chicken with vegetable hodgepodge


snackin' on some peppers
pasta fagioli with cauliflower and broccoli


cereal and banana
 steak strips with corn
5 bean casserole with hot sauce, broccoli and cauliflower


fruit cup
 cheese ravioli with cauliflower
This was a meal for the record books!!

veggie stew with beef, veggie hodgepodge and sauteed potatoes with peppers

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Size 10 then...and NOW!

Me, in a size 9/10 prom dress in 1990
Yup, that was me, May something-or-other 1990. Wasn't I cute? I fell in love with that dress and was so wondrously happy when my mom bought it for me at a store in Scottsdale, AZ when we were on a family vacation. I still love that dress! It was like nothing that any of the other girls wore and showed off my figure but wasn't slutty. It was Victorian in concept and I loved the lace and beaded accents! I had shoes dyed to match...remember dyed satin shoes?

Why this trip down memory lane? Well, this weekend, I bought a pair of size 10 jeans!!!! This is the first time since that photo that I can be certain that I've fit into a size 10. Granted, my other new pants are size 12, but I'll take the 10.

Me in my new size 10 skinny jeans!!!

So, does this mean the dress fits again? Alas, no. I may be back at my high school weight, but my high school size and shape? Not so much. Since then, not only have I completed puberty and grown some hips, but I have more fat on my body. And I'm certainly OK with that. I'm less than 6 months away from 40 and I'm at my high school weight. I fucking LOVE that!!!!!!


turkey chili, hot sauce, and salad
fruit cup and banana


fruit cup and banana
 cheese ravioli and steamed veggies
mushroom risotto and salad


fruit cup and apple
 savory chicken with spicy peanut sauce, Trader Joe's vegetable hodgepodge mix, and strawberries
steak strips, cauliflower, and veggie hodgepodge


 cheese ravioli and veggie hodgepodge
pasta fagioli and cauliflower

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Back to Pre-Grad School Weight!!!

Ahhhh!! What a weigh-in!!! Only two pounds this week, but I've hit my goal. I am officially back at my pre-grad school weight. How amazing is that?? Pretty damned amazing in my opinion. OK, so what now? Well, now, I stay the course. Now, I stay on the diet for the full 13 weeks (two more to go) and then begin to introduce "real food" again. That does not mean that I run out and eat a whole pizza all by myself. It means that I have a little chicken, maybe some eggs for breakfast. With salsa. Mmmm...I'm hungry just thinking of it.

And, by the way, I finally bought some new pants. Woo hoo!! I finally have some pants that fit my skinny ass! And, if you're counting, I've lost 28 pounds in 11 weeks.


pasta fagioli, broccoli & cauliflower
veggie stew, corn and strawberries


steak strips, spicy peanut sauce, cauliflower & broccoli and strawberries


pasta fagioli, spaghetti squash, and corn
 cereal and peaches
veggie stew and corn


Mmmm, real potatoes!!!!!!!!!

veggie stew and broccoli
 mushroom risotto, cauliflower, spaghetti squash, and peaches
yummy fresh fruit


savory chicken, broccoli, and cauliflower with spicy peanut sauce
5 bean casserole with hot sauce, broccoli, and cauliflower


peaches and raspberries
 turkey chili with beans, some veggies, guacomole, salsa, little wedge-o-cheese
mushroom risotto, broccoli, and cauliflower


red peppers
 salad and 5 bean casserole...cold
cheese ravioli, broccoli, and cauliflower


banana and cereal
 savory chicken, cauliflower and spicy peanut sauce
pasta fagioli and fruit cup